How Does the Wood Boiler Work?


If you think of the environment when heating and also really want to invest economically, you cannot ignore the wood boiler. The heating type expenses pay off quickly because the fuel is inexpensive and is burned efficiently in modern models. Wood heating is generally divided into two types: the wood gasification boiler and wood-fired furnaces.

With the wood gasification boiler, both the wood and the gases that escape from it are burned. This requires a structure with two chambers. Only the wood is burned in the wood boiler. Depending on the type selected, wood pellets, briquettes, wood chips, wood scraps, and split logs can be used for firing.

To prevent damage caused by extreme temperature differences, a return increase for the wood boiler is necessary. Modern models are provided with these from the factory, and only older boilers may need to be retrofitted.

Advantages of The Wood Boiler

Since it is a renewable raw material and only as much carbon dioxide is released during combustion as was absorbed by the tree, the wood boiler is an environmentally friendly way of heating. Also, corresponding models can be fired with different fuels – from pellets to logs – and are therefore very flexible. This results in greater independence from the current prices of individual fuels.

Further Advantages at A Glance

Also, this boiler is:

  • Easy to install
  • Can be used in combination

In principle, it is suitable for heating all single and multi-family houses if a few requirements are met.

Requirements For The Wood Boiler Heating

Apart from a dry storage location for the fuel and a buffer store for the wood boiler, no other special requirements have to be met for the installation of a wood heating system. This makes switching to this type of heating particularly easy.